Widespread Commentary on Dorito’s New Spokesman Saddam Hussein

From Advertising Monthly
Last Thursday Frito Lay unleashed its boldest ad campaign to date:
eXtra BOLD Doritos endorsed by Saddam Hussein.
…consisting of TV, radio, print, outdoor and Internet spots, the campaign centers around Saddam Hussein imprisoned on a remote, heavily fortified and protected, south pacific hidden U.S. military base island.
The TV ads portray captive Saddam Hussein sitting in his 8’ x 10’ suspended cage in a low-lit airplane hanger, surrounded by countless machine guns, German Shepards and military attack robots.
Saddam Hussein escapes his troubles by devouring bag after bag of eXtra BOLD Doritos. Saddam Hussein then looks into the camera and says in broken English, “With Doritos, I Win!” – the new campaign’s tagline.
Obviously re-dubbed in English by American Ha Ha Funnyman Robin Williams (employing a stereotypical – bordering on outright racist – middle eastern accent… and hamming it up), the film speed is slowed during Saddam’s endorsement creating a visual effect reminiscent of the poorly dubbed Asian karate films released in the United States during the 1960’s and 70’s.
The radio ads feature the sounds of mortars, explosions, gunfire, bullet ricochet, swords clanging metal against each other, German Shepards barking, and a distant emergency foghorn. The listener is purposely left unaware if the situation is taking place on a battlefield or inside of a sensory deprived torture room. After 20 seconds of chaotic warfare sound effects, the sound of a Doritos chip is bit into and chewed with satisfaction and Robin William’s middle eastern towel head Saddam Hussein impression states the campaign tagline “With Doritos, I Win!”
The print campaigns feature full page ads of an official U.S. Government released photo of Saddam Hussein sitting in his underpants eating a bag of Doritos with the tag “With Doritos, I Win!” emerging from a thought bubble above his head. This image is also being widely spread across the internet with the campaign’s e-card promotion.
Frito Lay spokesperson Burt Vernon said “the campaign promotes Doritos as an extremely pleasurable experience, taking even the second most notorious man in America away from his worries, and to a place that only eXtra BOLD Doritos can take you. It’s reminding consumers that “With Doritos, I Win” …it’s about finding nirvana, really. Frito Lay is extremely proud of this promotion and of our excellent new and improved eXtra BOLD Doritos.”
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From Zell Miller
The liberal media has once again weakened America by taking our most prized trophy in the War Against Terrorism, and creating a harmless, almost sympathetic, figure out of a butcher like Saddam Hussein in the new eXtra BOLD Doritos advertising campaign. This is the kind of imagery that weakens America’s resolve to kill all terrorists by making the enemy seem like anything other than what he is: a God-less instrument of bloodlust and evil.
Considering Saddam Hussein’s involvement in the tragic events of September 11th and that the advertising agency – Dot Communications…a known financial contributor to the unsubstantiating and disturbing MoveOn.Org, as well as other socialist, America-hating organizations – responsible for creating this resolve-weakening message… is based in New York City! You would want to believe that the ad agency would show more compassion for the surviving families of 9/11, or that some members of the ad agency may have felt it inappropriate, but this is what happens when there are no set standards for common decency in broadcast.
Or this is what happens when the terrorists infiltrate our media and begin to spread messages designed to weaken our purpose in the War Against Terrorism. By showing Saddam Hussein as “one of us”… enjoying a bag of eXtra BOLD Doritos and declaring that he wins, the liberal media is effectively telling you that the enemy is you and that you should not believe that America will win the War Against Terror.
The liberal media has attempted dismantle the America that I love – and that I know YOU love – since the dawn of mass communication. Spreading anti-American thought and ideas and attempting to tear down the norms of decent society… they even tried to take over the United States with communism, if you can believe that… and we all know how that went for the Soviet Union… their God-less blanket of repression lost.
Frito Lay, Dot Communications, and any broadcast channel that delivers this type of message is a menace to our American way of life and should be stopped.
Please join my support of the new broadcast amendment to the Patriot Act, which deems that the government shall establish an advisory board to review any and all messages – from any source – with a political angle or political implication embedded with in its message or imagery.
Help keep America united and strong… please contribute to my re-election fund to ensure that our children enjoy the same freedoms and open society under God that you and I have grown to love and would die to defend. God bless.
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From Sean Penn
The White House has gone too far this time with their obviously endorsed Doritos advertising campaign starring Saddam Hussein. Stringing Saddam up like a puppet for entertainment purposes is the exact sort of thing that you’d see in a country like Germany in 1939. This is exactly what they’re doing.
Consider that the White Hose started the war in Iraq, and it’s not going as well as they would have thought. Beyond killing 100,000 innocent Iraqis and almost 4,000 of our service people, they’ve got no exit plan to end the killing.
The American people know that we’re being lied to and that they’re not facing the truth, so they dig up their best bounty since the invasion and film him eating Doritos in his underpants to remind you of what a pathetic figure he is, and how powerful we are because we are humane… and oh look! Saddam likes Doritos! He can’t get them in Iraq, and now – in the end – he can see that America is superior.
I found it very telling that Frito Lay considers Saddam Hussein the second most notorious man in America. Who’s the most notorious? Who’s no-tor-i-ous? Who’s bad? Not Michael Jackson, he’s guilty… the correct answer would be Osama bin Laden, the fanatical crusader who ordered September 11th – not Saddam Hussein – and started this world war by striking first. I guess the government didn’t have any recent pictures of Osama bin Laden available, seeing as they can’t find him.
The White House is almost boasting their biggest catch because that’s all they’ve got, and they’ve got to remind everyone who voted for Bush that they’re on the right path and that they’re getting results and making America safer. I question if it’s harder to drive through the border from Canada, or to drive across the Iowa stateliness into Nebraska. Maybe you have to watch for speed traps set by bored cornfield patrolman driving into Nebraska.
When it comes down to it, the White House is lying to you, and this advertisement is just another example of the government’s control over the media in this country and the propaganda that it distributes under an umbrella of closely linked networks.
Don’t believe it, and don’t pay for it. As an American you have the freedom to chose: to not believe the lies, to not give up hope for the future, and to not purchase Doritos ever again. If they’re the choice of Saddam Hussein, and when he eats them he wins? Fine. If Saddam Hussein is a winner because he chose Doritos, let him be.
I can choose to be a winner in other ways! Like, for instance, that I have the freedom to write about my opinions and all of these sorts of ideas anytime I want, like this one… the one you’re reading right now… on my blog, SeanPennBlog.com.
I win because I got over 3,000 hits last week when I wrote about how the White House wants to go to Mars… but how that doesn’t make any sense because the war in Iraq costs a billion dollars a month… and because there are children starving in poverty here in this country… and because the Patriot Act is openly taking your freedoms away from you.
They’re lying, don’t buy it. And don’t buy Doritos!
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