There's a lot of aging baby boomers at my job.
They're really, really weird.
Maybe it's because:

...they ate mad amounts of acid 40 years ago. They thought that eating acid and free fucking was going to end the American war machine in Vietnam and keep Nixon from being re-elected. wrong.

...they smoked shitloads of grass 30 years ago. Maybe they should smoke more. It might chill them the fuck out.

...they cut up and snorted massive amounts of coke 20 years ago. I'm sure that the brain damage has nothing to do with their current states of panic and paranoia.

...and they have chased anti-depressents with alcohol for the past 10 years (in between plastic surgery and having fat sucked outta their asses with plastic tubes and injected into their lips).
need further proof?
Fatal drug overdoses up among California's baby boomers