Friday, January 14, 2005

get your stalk on redux

Today it's fucking cold. Wednesday night I left my window open and slept in 55 degree heat wave insanity. Today it's 12 degrees. This is more like Chicago than that 55 degree cock tease bullshit mother nature was fuckin with us with two short days ago. It's so cold that five minutes outside makes you say "it's cold" out loud to strangers or yourself.


Today I saw the target of my spring 04 stalk campaign. I still kind of wonder what that girl's story is. she still has that dissatisfied don't talk to me bitch look on her face all the time. But to be honest, dating back to grade school, I've always liked shy and anti-social people. They're usually full of personality and interesting and original opinions. rarely are they boring. I assume that they're quiet because of the environment they were raised (their parents are quiet people), or because they're just shy.

when I think about it, rarely do I find outwardly "funny" people all that funny. usually I just want them to be quiet. like fucking robin williams. robin williams is not funny.

anyways, I saw this girl down in the cafeteria today. sitting alone eating lunch alone again. then I saw that she was finished and was walking back to the elevator. I stopped at the coke machine to give her some time to catch up. then an elevator opened and we each got on with about seven other people. I followed her and got a good look at her ass. It's a little bit bigger than it was last spring when I noticed her, but it still looks nice. she was wearing some lime green pumas with a hot pink stripe. those shoes sound ugly for fashion's sake when described, but looked good on her for some reason. I think the girl's got good style.

she got off on the 9th floor, and I checked the directory when I got to my desk. I still don't know her name. when we were on the elevator, I purposely looked at her ring finger and saw that she wasn't wearing a diamond anymore... she just had some cool looking silver band.

I'm going to meet her and at least learn her name. This passive curiosity has gone on for a long time (even if I haven't thought of, seen, or even considered my may 04 stalk target for several months). what's my deal? I'm usually not so slow moving and quiet about this sort of game. I don't usually have trouble meeting women, but I'm not trying and I'm not gaining any new friends.

This weekend I feel like buying a bottle of Absolut and drinking vodka cranberry and maybe some smoke, and if I get the cabin fever, get out to that cold.


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