Tuesday, March 15, 2005

the Bush administration produces news stories

"The Bush administration, rejecting an opinion from the Government Accountability Office, said last week that it is legal for federal agencies to feed TV stations prepackaged news stories that do not disclose the government's role in producing them.

That message, in memos sent Friday to federal agency heads and general counsels, contradicts a Feb. 17 memo from Comptroller General David M. Walker. Walker wrote that such stories -- designed to resemble independently reported broadcast news stories so that TV stations can run them without editing -- violate provisions in annual appropriations laws that ban covert propaganda."

- The Washington Post

so, this is state-sponsored news that doesn't have to admit that it's propaganda, huh?

since when did the red states vote for red china media?

red states: good thinking.


my republican mother's response:

this is awful, isn't it. between the current gov't manufactoring it's own news and the media stars created by the moguls of ABC, NBC and CBS who are all left wing democrats, the average person has a very hard time getting unbiased news.


hmmm, ok. not based at all in reality, but republicans don't want to know the truth anyways. they have the ideology and the vision in their head, and anything that counters that (line of shit), should be discredited or rejected or declared some kind of goddamn left-wing democrat plot.

my response:

everybody loses.

who says that the talking heads at network are left wing democrats? seems to me that the hail storm against dan rather running the story on george w. bush deserting the national guard was a bit severe... especially considering that george w. bush deserted the national guard.


retort? silence.


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