Two stoned 19 year olds read about charred remains of Hunter S. Thompson blasted into atmosphere from 153 foot cannon in the late morning edition of The New York Times stolen from asshole dorm resident assistant’s mailbox.JOHN: “Holy fuckin shit Russell… read this shit about Hunter S. Thompson. They shot his ashes out of fuckin cannon!”
RUSSELL: “No way.”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: “No way.”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: “Let me read that shit… Ashes-to-fireworks send-off for an 'outlaw' writer
by Katherine Q. Seelye…WOODY CREEK, Colo., Aug. 21 - Hunter S. Thompson indulged in numerous hallucinogenic fantasies over the years, but this weekend, one of them morphed into reality: his ashes were blasted into the sky over his farm here, carried by red, blue and silver fireworks in front of a 153-foot monument that Mr. Thompson, the writer and avatar of "gonzo" journalism, designed himself almost 30 years ago… FUCK.”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: “…Mr. Thompson's family and friends - including Senator John Kerry… Hunter Thompson was friends with John Kerry?”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: “Fuck…”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: “They probably got so fuckin high.”
JOHN: “Yeah.”
RUSSELL: "And if Kerry was the president he'd probably end all this shit because he'd get the Taliban to stop fucking all this shit up because he'd roll them some killer shit and the Taliban would be like "fuck yeah" because the Taliban grow heroin... and you don't want to kill anybody when you're high."
JOHN: "Yeah."
RUSSELL: "Fuck."
JOHN: "Yeah."
RUSSELL: "Fuckin'... you know that Hunter was like hanging out with his assistants in like 1972 on some fucked up peyote trance when he came up with this shit, and they wrote it down. That's power."
JOHN: "Yeah. He was probably smoking some hash out of a monkey skull and shit on the beach in Mexico, and shooting tequilla and drinking a case of beer and getting blown by a 17 year old Mexican whore..."
RUSSELL: "Yeah?"
JOHN: "Fuck yeah."
RUSSELL: "Dude, when I die, I want you to make sure that they preserve my body so that I can still get high with my friends."
JOHN: "Yeah?"
RUSSELL: "Yeah... like, have them skin my body and turn all my skin into rolling papers. That shit would burn real slow..."
JOHN: "Yeah?"
RUSSELL: "Yeah."
JOHN: "Fuckin' cool."
RUSSELL: "Yeah. And fuse my femurs together into this fuckin' two foot bong and shit so that I can always get high with my friends... for fuckin' forever!"
JOHN: "Yeah!"
RUSSELL: "Fuck yeah!"