fucking cave
fucking chicago is a fucking cave this time of the year. every year it's the same. today it's around 25 degrees (which is actually kind of warm for the end of January)... earlier this week it skirted 40. I saw people walking around in sweatshirt hoodies.
what makes it suck worse than the constant draft of freezing cold is that the sun is never out. it's always clouded by heavy thick gray shit in the atmosphere.
this affects the general mood of the populous. everyone has this beaten down I'm Bored Don't Fuck With Me attitude. which is ok with me, but there's fucking nothing to do. you can only play so many video games... watch so many DVDs... kill so many prostitutes... before the shit gets old, you know.
I laid several seeds early in the winter with people who have some sort of access to anti-depressant uppers.
I said "let's check some of this shit out... you get on one and I'll get on the other. we'll keep track of our general moods and see what works for us. the fuck we got to lose? everything sucks."
everyone agreed that this was a good idea, but nobody came through with any uppers. that's added to my list of things bumming me out in this cold dark bullshit motherfucker.
I did buy some art though. this, and this.
My dad recommended the movie Sideways when I saw him last weekend. That means that it's good. My dad has this sick, dead on taste for movies considering that he seemingly has no interest in them and hates to sit through them in the theater. If it keeps his attention, it's a good show.
I'll put it this way: he's a man with no name/dirty harry Clint Eastwood fan, and huge on Charles Bronson. I saw every spaghetti western and Death Wish film the year we got a VCR in 1983. He watched Kill Bill II twice after watching Kill Bill three times last summer. He watched Silence of the Lambs and rewound it to watch it again.
Speaking of Silence of the Lambs, I've met more than a couple of people who are obsessed with that shit. This guy Jack stopped dead in his tracks once when the show was mentioned. Like he's on 24 hour alert for someone to bring it up. He told me that he has seen it well over 60 times.
Jack has a friend named Sarah and he told me that occasionally they would act out entire scenes between Starling and Lector. They had all the lines down and they weren't fucking around, they were serious in their re-enactment.
People lose their shit when they go days and weeks in the cold with no sunshine anywhere.